st stephen's school



The School offers its students an excellent opportunity to develop both mind and body through a structured syllabus and co-curricular activities. It prepares its students for the ICSE Examination at Class X level and ISC Examination at Class XII level. The School lays a strong foundation for the languages and hands on practical and project work throughout the curriculum.

The medium of instruction is English. Hindi language is also given emphasis at all levels. The ICSE/ISC curriculum strongly provides an opportunity to acquire knowledge, understanding of concepts and problem solving skills.


School discipline is intended to create an environment which assists the self – development of students. Enrolment in this school implies on the part of the pupil and parents a willingness to comply with the requirements and regulations of the school.

1. Pupils are expected to behave in a lady-like manner on all occasions. They should address their teachers and companions with gentleness and courtesy. Refinement of manners, uprightness and self – restraint should distinguish every pupil of the school.

2. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience or conduct injurious to the tone of the school is sufficient reason for the dismissal of a pupil. Pupils are answerable to the school authorities for their moral tone and conduct even outside the school.

3. Pupils must wear the correct uniform; otherwise, they are liable to be excluded from the classroom. No jewellery except a  wrist watch may be worn.

4. No books, invitations, periodicals, pictures, newspapers, cameras, mobiles or expensive items like pens, pencil boxes, etc, shall be brought into the school or circulated among the students without the permission of the Principal. This is detrimental to the value system of the school. The school will not be held responsible for the safe custody of any such item. 

5. Pupils are permitted to give sweets/toffees/ chocolates only on their birthdays. There is to be no collection of money or distribution of gifts without the permission of the Principal.

6. Every pupil is expected to take part in all school activities. This regulation also applies when such activities take place out of the usual school hours.

7. Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings, which should be clearly marked with the child’s name. All damage to school property must be repaired at the cost of the person responsible for the damage.